WorldWild Podcast
Episode 26 18th October 2019
Embracing Complexity with Fred Provenza
Fred Provenza returns to the WorldWild Podcast for another mind-expanding talk, a year after the publication of his book Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom. This time around we delve deeper into the complexity in natural systems, the plant-based/carnivorous divide and what each can teach the other, trying to imagine a healthy food system where foods taste delicious and there's still some left at the end.
Fred continues to reflect on decades studying animal behaviour and what foraging animals can tell us about our own food system, or more aptly; the choices we lack in our current system and how embrace more complexity...
'Plants are the founder of the feast'
- Fred Provenza, episode 26
About Fred Provenza
Fred Provenza is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University and one of the founders of BEHAVE (Behavioural Education for Human, Animal, Vegetation and Ecosystem Management), an international network of scientists and land mangers from five continents. Whilst undertaking his studies in the 1970s he worked on a ranch with his wife Sue and soon became ranch manager, a role he kept for seven years. He is the author of three books, most recently; Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom, published by Chelsea Green in 2018. He has published pioneering behavioural work on the link between soil, plants, herbivores, and ourselves.
Further reading
> Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom
> Talk by Guido Pauli on complexity in Innsbruck, September 2019...
> Meat: A Benign Extravagance by Simon Fairlie
> Extinction Rebellion actions across the UK...
About the show
We offer a series of conversations to tap into the wildness within ourselves and to uncover what is possible when we do. It is our hope that through the WorldWild Podcast we can contribute to the revitalisation of wild food culture and conversation around the world.
Through people who know their landscapes intimately, we gather the threads to weave a rich tapestry. Piece by piece the vision of a wilder world comes into view. The wild embrace of nature welcomes us back and offers us a seat at the table. A feast, no less!
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